Seth Rogen Peed the Snapple Bottle Before the “Bizarre” Tom Cruise Meeting


“I’ll never forget the words he used,” he said, before recounting what Tom had told him: “‘ It’s like Scientology, ’he said,‘ If you’ll just let me tell you what it really is. the ^ just give me like 20 minutes to, say, just tell you exactly what it’s about, you say, ‘There’s no way to the king. There’s no way to the king.

Seth’s reaction to the pitch? “The words, I was like, ‘Is that a good thing to say?'”

They stare at Judd, and Seth is worried about the outcome of the heavy moment. “Will he bite? Will I bite? Can we get out of it? Do we have the energy for him to do this to us and not change?” Seth showed his state of mind at the time. “I don’t know if I am. I’m generally a weak-hearted, weak-minded person. I’ll believe a lot of people, if they get [Tom], what time do I have? “

Seth feels that he “avoided the bullet” thanks to Judd’s intervention. “Thank god Judd was like, ‘Eh, I think we’re good. Let’s just talk about movies and stuff.'”

Seth was relieved, being said to be “tempted” and “if I was alone there, my singing would be different now.”

Just wait until you hear about when Kyra Sedgwick pressed the panic button at Tom’s house. That’s all that other story.


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