The Collapse of the Nuclear Family, Not the Ever-Changing Climate, Is the Crisis of Our Lives


We tend to worry about the wrong things, and nowhere is this more prominent and widespread than when it comes to identifying and focusing on the most critical problems facing humanity.

Contrary to the elite opinion given in the country’s major editorial pages and television news programs, not to mention the subtle and clever insertion of everything from children’s television, advertisements to in big Hollywood releases, this is not the climate – and not by many.

This is the disintegration of the family, which happened slowly over many years, and now suddenly, all at once.

That’s because across cultures and generations, the health and vitality of culture and our communities is almost exclusively associated with the integrity and unity of home life. As with family, so is society. It’s that simple. Our problems stem from the corruption of the home.

It is interesting, then, that the climate, which is always changing and historically always evolving, somehow rises to the code red level of concern. In view of our declining birth rate, our disturbing divorce rate, the regular children deprived of both parents, and the fact that many families fail to form at all, I cannot help but to think of the old saying, that the decadent. the emperor Nero “stirred while Rome burned.”

From the very beginning, let me make it clear that our crisis cannot be solved by elections or politicians. The government, however, does not have to be a passive observer of the collapse of our culture. Policies that encourage marriage and children can help – but they won’t eliminate the problem.

Good things happen when family is honored – and troubling and destructive things come in when you ignore them.

At the center of the war on family and children is the determined effort to separate sex from marriage, childbearing, and parenting. There has also been a decades-long campaign to change the definition of marriage, as well as the reality of men and women. Polyamory, the practice of maintaining multiple romantic relationships at the same time, has become law in some liberal states.

Does anyone think this is good for women and children, let alone society?

Bad policies can make bad times worse – but this revolution in motion is the cause of our cultural and family crisis.

Children are often considered a burden and not the blessing they are. Almost one million babies are aborted each year in the United States. Now, almost a year after the welcome change of RoeAbortion advocates have passionately pledged and tried to hide the right to kill babies back into various state constitutions.

Undeniably, the breakdown of the family is at the root of many ills in our culture. It doesn’t respect race, even though we know that the African-American community was especially angry about the revolution. According to the latest statistics, 77 percent of black babies today are born to unwed mothers.

But fatherlessness is not just a problem in the African-American community. More than 32 percent of Hispanic children and 21 percent of white children live without a father. According to new research, 24 million children in the US are living apart from their biological father – that’s one out of every three children. Only 46% of teenagers grew up with their parents still married to each other.

The consequences are individual and societal.

Compare this to children who live with their own mother and father. They are less likely to live in any form of poverty, more likely to succeed in school, graduate from high school and attend college. They are always healthier physically and mentally by all measures. They are less likely to get into trouble with the law, do drugs, be sexually active, etc. Regardless of the measure of child well-being, children from married households do better. This has become one of the most reliable truisms in social science.

Here’s why: The real storm that is brewing is not the weather – but whether we can overcome and strengthen the increasingly unstable nuclear family.


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